Who Am I? Who is Lisbeth?

Who Am I? Who is Lisbeth?

Since a very young age I had this sense of not belonging and would do the impossible to try my best in order to feel seeing, "fit" in the normal society and its rules.

I broke all of them, making it a really though youth and up bring. By the age of 16 i already tried many ways to integrate: different religions, practices, tools, you called it! Until I reached a breaking point and tried to leave this planet... 

Thats when it all started! by getting at my lowest I found my reason while coming up. I found pleasure on being in nature and back in summer of 2008 while I was enjoying my afternoon in a NYC park a random lady came and gave me a crystal (amethyst) to be more specific. 

I became aware of how carrying that "rock" made me feel and got very curious if there were more variants, colors? more of that feeling... 

Started doing some research and found that there was a lot more to it! and suddenly it all kicked it. The dreams, the wanting to be in nature, the repeated numbers, the messages in the sky. I HAD A PURPOSE! 

I integrated crystals into my day to day, found meditation and a small community that was very likeminded. 

Again, a couple years down the line I got lost and detached from my purpose once more. Doing all sorts of damage to my body, soul and mind by putting myself in situations that my guides warned me about (now I see it all) 

I endured several years of heavy trauma which allowed me to grow and come back to my old self; but that didn't stop me! 

5 years ago, I got back in touch with my 16-year-old version, the one that was lost and found healing through some "rocks". I practiced on myself with crystal imposition and got certified while pregnant. 

In 2019 I cracked myself up to share my knowledge with the world and open an online store... the rest is history. 

With love, 



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