Crystal 101 -  6 Best Crystals for Beginners

Crystal 101 - 6 Best Crystals for Beginners

There are so many crystals, where should I start? That's a question that I asked myself when I started this beautiful journey almost 10 years ago. Each crystal has its own unique energy and power, oriented to a specific matter, which could go from manifestation to helping with health issues. 

The process of selecting the right crystals to start can be overwhelming, don’t be scared! One of the main things I suggest is to take baby steps when it comes to it or just follow your intuition. Remember you don't choose the crystal, the crystal chooses you. 

I'm happy to provide this list as I wish someone would have done it for me when I first started! Here is my guide of 6 crystals for beginners and their meanings. 

  • Selenite 
  • Amethyst 
  • Rose Quartz 
  • Clear Quartz 
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Pyrite 


  • Selenite - Amplifier

  • Origin:
    China, France, India, USA

    Color: White

    Chakra: Third Eye & Crown 

    Placement: On or near your Third Eye and or Crown Chakra

    Represents: Purity & Moon Goddess Selene 

    Helps with: Protecting against negativity, cleansing energies, cleansing your stone, connecting you with the Divine. 

    Tip: Don't expose Selenite to water or salt. Due to its softness it will get damaged. 


  • Amethyst: Intuition 

  • Origin: Brazil,Germany,Uruguay & Sri Lanka 

    Color: Violet to deep purple 

    Chakra: Third Eye & Crown 

    Placement: Third Eye Chakra, above the crown of the head, under your pillow, nightstand

    Represents: Spirituality

    Helps with: Intuition, insomnia, connecting with your higher self and the Divine, manifestation, creativity, anxiety, nightmares

    Tip: Combine with Clear & Rose Quartz on your nightstand to help you have a better sleep 


  • Rose Quartz - Unconditional Love 

  • Origin: India, Brazil, Japan, USA

    Color: Pink

    Chakra: Heart

    Placement: Can be use as a necklace, bracelet or ring; near or on the heart chakra 

    Represents: Compassion

    Helps with: Intuition, insomnia, connecting with your higher self and the Divine, manifestation, creativity, anxiety, nightmares

    Tip: Combine with Clear & Rose Quartz on your nightstand to help you have a better sleep 


  • Clear Quartz - Master Healer

  • Origin: All over the world 

    Color: Clear to milky White

    Chakra: Crown, all the other chakras 

    Placement: Anywhere Crown chakra, grid, during meditation, etc

    Represents: Balance 

    Helps with: Amplifying the properties of all the other crystals, protection, cleansing, improves concentration & enhances the connection with the Divine

    Tip: Use clear quartz clusters as “cleanser” for smaller stones. 


  • Black Tourmaline - Negativity Removal 

  • Origin: Australia, USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka

    Color: Black 

    Chakra: Root

    Placement: Near root chakra, pants pocket, next to your bed, in between you and the source of negativity

    Represents: Grounding

    Helps with: Protecting against negativity, grounding, cleansing negative emotions, stress release

    Tip: Place in the entry of your home with selenite bar 


  • Pyrite -  Prosperity

  • Origin: USA, Spain, Italy, Germany 

    Color: Brassy Gold 

    Chakra: Solar Plexus 

    Placement: On the solar plexus (between the ribcage & navel), could be on a long necklace. On the left side of your house as this is the prosperity space on the Feng Shui map. 

    Represents: Wealth, Confidence

    Helps with: Helps with overcoming anxiety. Manifestation, willpower, good luck, vitality, confidence

    Tip: Use on your wallet to attract abundance

    I hope this list is helpful in your journey of seeking your true self. 

    With Love, 


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